How is insulin related to weight gain?
What is Insulin and how it works
Insulin Weight Gain
Insulin is a hormone that helps regulate the absorption of sugar (glucose) by your cells. It is the pancreas, which creates insulin, that controls how much glucose is in your bloodstream at any given moment. Insulin also helps your liver and body to store glucose. As well as regulating your body’s metabolic processes, it also regulates how you burn carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.
After consuming food, carbohydrates are broken down in your digestive tract and transformed into glucose. Through your small intestine, glucose is absorbed into your bloodstream. In response to glucose entering your bloodstream, insulin informs your cells to take up the sugar for energy.
The connection between insulin and weight gain
Your blood glucose is balanced by insulin. As your blood glucose level rises, insulin tells your liver to store the excess glucose. Your liver will keep the stored glucose until your blood glucose level drops. In between meals, or if you are stressed or require more energy, your blood sugar levels can dip.
Taking in more calories than you need to maintain your weight or consuming more calories than your body needs will cause your cells to receive more glucose than they need. As a result, glucose accumulates as fat in our body cells and causes weight gain.
It is important to find a balance between your level of activity and your calorie intake. The more energy we expend each day and the more active we are, the more glucose we use. This will not lead to weight gain.
Maintaining a healthy blood glucose level
Food, sleep, and exercise are all important factors in blood sugar control.
- Getting enough sleep. Make sure you get enough rest. Sleep deprivation has been linked to an increase in the inflammatory hormone cortisol, which can contribute to increased insulin resistance. Whether you have diabetes or not, your glucose levels tend to rise when you’re deprived of sleep or your sleep is disrupted.
- Be physically active. Exercise on a regular basis. Insulin sensitivity increases during exercise, and muscle cells use available insulin more efficiently. Your muscles absorb glucose and utilise it for energy when they contract during exercise.
- Don’t skip meal, follow a diet if necessary. Don’t try to cut calories by skipping meals. When you skip a meal, you’re more likely to make poor diet choices at the next mealtime because you’re too hungry. Skipping meals can also cause low blood sugar levels. Follow a diabetic-safe diet with reduced carbs, such as the DASH diet or the Mediterranean diet, as prescribed by your doctor. Both have been demonstrated to aid in blood sugar control.
Why obesity is dangerous?
Obesity has been linked to an increase in the risk of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. Adipose tissue releases more non-esterified fatty acids, glycerol, hormones, pro-inflammatory cytokines, and other substances that contribute to the development of insulin resistance in obese people.
Insulin resistance can develop as a result of a mix of genetics and lifestyle factors, resulting in an inflammatory response in the body. Excess feeding is one of the biological stressors that might set insulin resistance in motion.
When this happens, the body has a hard time keeping blood sugar in check. More insulin is released from beta cells in the pancreas to keep blood sugar levels in the normal range.
Increased waist circumference, weight gain mostly in the abdominal region, and rising triglycerides and LDL-C are all indications or risk factors that indicate an increased possibility of insulin resistance (bad cholesterol).
How to improve sensitivity to insulin?
There are a variety of techniques to improve insulin sensitivity, which can help stop the loop of rising insulin levels.
- Reduce chronic stress by working on it
- Have a restful night’s sleep
- Sugar-sweetened beverages and additional sugars should be avoided
- Limit your intake of processed carbohydrates (not all carbohydrates are created equal!)
- When you don’t exercise, you should move around more
Can meals aid in the treatment of insulin resistance?
One of the most effective strategies to combat insulin resistance is to eat a low-insulin-stimulating diet. Animal proteins (eggs, fish, chicken, etc.) and foods high in dietary fiber (like vegetables) have little effect on insulin activation. Avocado, olive oil, fatty fish, and dairy (in moderation) all have a negligible effect on insulin stimulation. High-processed foods, sugary foods, and simple carbs (breads, pasta, tortillas, rice, cereals, crackers, and so on) all trigger the release of a lot of insulin, which exacerbates insulin resistance.
Are there any workouts that can aid in the reduction of insulin resistance?
Insulin resistance decreases when a person’s weight is reduced. Many studies have found that practicing one sort of exercise or the other is less significant than doing some form of physical activity on a regular basis. Although either aerobic or resistance training can improve insulin resistance, combining the two yields significantly superior results.
Is it true that decreasing weight aids in the reduction of insulin resistance?
Insulin levels rise with insulin resistance because muscles are unable to absorb extra glucose adequately. As the excess glucose is converted to fat in the liver, it leads to increased insulin production. This raises the quantities of free fatty acids, which are fat components.
As a result, excess fat is deposited on the muscles and organs. Then inflammatory signalling kicks in, preventing insulin from properly halting glucose production in the liver after a meal. This results in a vicious cycle of excessively high insulin levels in the blood, aberrant inflammatory signalling, and the accumulation of extra fat.
As a result, weight loss or fat loss, particularly fat accumulated on muscles and organs, will result in a decrease in aberrant inflammatory signalling and circulating free fatty acids, resulting in a reduction in insulin resistance.
Blocking carbohydrate absorption
Carbohydrates are not something we don’t need. Carbohydrates provide energy for working muscles and fuel for the central nervous system, and they prevent the body from using protein as an energy source. They are also essential for brain function and have a significant impact on mood, memory, and decision making.
Carbohydrates (Carbs) can be Complex (good) and Simple (bad). Knowing the difference between them and consuming the right types of carbs will help you stay healthy. Fiber and starch are complex carbohydrates They are often rich in vitamins and minerals and can be found in plant foods.
They help you stay full for longer and promote good health. The simple carbs which are basically sugars that give us the fastest type of energy as a result of being digested quickly. While some sugars are natural and found in fruit or milk products, others are processed or refined and are found in sodas, candies, and baked goods. Added sugars are found in most processed foods.
Having a diet rich in whole food complex carbohydrates will optimize weight, energy and metabolism, as well as help produce melatonin, which regulates sleep. Good complex carbs are essential for brain health, without them you may feel depressed, fatigued, and find it hard to concentrate.
The right amount of carbs is important, but you don’t have to load up on cakes and sweets every day to get your daily serving. However, while you may get a quick energy boost, your body does not get any other much needed nutrients found in complex carbohydrates, and you’ll be back in the kitchen or snack machine within hours of your last fix.
Honey, fruit drinks, soft drinks, confectionery, and table sugar all include simple carbohydrates. Starchy veggies, whole grain foods, green vegetables, and lentils are examples of complex carbohydrates.
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